I'm going to be honest, spending the past month in SWELTERING 110+ degree heat has been far from motivating. I've used the long hours of the day mostly trying to avoid the persistent glare of the sun, moving from overly air conditioned buildings via bicycle, to the poorly insulated box that is my studio. During the past few weeks I've taken solice from the weather by eating copious amounts of otter pops and discovering in a new found interest in bollywood videos of the 1960's and 1970's. I'm fascinated with the cinematography, set design, epic story lines, and of course, the dancing. I recently stumbled along Mughal-E-Azam (1960) not too long ago, and it has since manifested its way into a stem of research I'm doing for a new project. This film of epic proportions centers around the ill-fated love affair between the Mughal Crown Prince and his lovely court dancer. The intensity of their tabu relationship threatens to cause demise to the throne of the Mughal empire. Dancing ensues. I love everything about it.
Still shots from the court dancer's performance of Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya - Mughal-E-Azam