Peak pose : Pachimottanasana
Yesterday marked the final day of the first part of my Anusara yoga training. Unlike the immersions I've participated in, this week was truly focused on the nuts and bolts of teaching a yoga class, and subsequently, taking the seat of the teacher. It was overwhelming for sure, and I often found myself questioning my intentions throughout the week. Our final assignment was to teach a 45 minute class to a friend based on a lesson or inspiration we had during the week. I chose a theme based on the idea of "wonder." In yoga one can often become overwhelmed by a sequence or pose that may be unavailable or beyond their reach for that day. To wonder what a specific pose feels like, or for myself, to wonder how it will feel to be in the seat of the teacher one day, is truly empowering. Finding wonder within ones' self by using muscular energy to draw into inner awareness and organically extending out to further outwardly express oneself can ease that sense of being overwhelmed. The sequence I put together incorporated forward folds and supine twists to steady, and introvertly investigate with wonder the true self within the pose.
Here it is!
Surya NamaskaraA
Surya Namaskara B
Adrha Chandrasana
Parivritta Parsvakonasana
Pavrita Ardha Chandrasana
Janu Sirsasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana