Monday, September 26, 2011

el gusano : project

My good friend Ivy asked me a while back to illustrate a children's book/ lullaby she and her husband Joel created. Here are some images of what the final product will look like. So far I'm at 32 pages, which seems appropriate for the story. As some of you may remember, my past relationship with story telling/ illustration wasn't as upbeat, "The Story of the Sea Elk" was deemed too depressing by my target audience... So I've scrapped the storytelling part, I think I will stick to pictures...

More updates on this to come... Hoping to have everything ready for Ivy by December 5th!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welt am Draht

This past Sunday, my favorite local cinema put on an epic showing of the 1973, made for TV film Welt am Draht (World on Wire.) Although the German translation was hard to follow at times, the story leads the viewer through a time in the future where a computer project called Simulacron (which is able to simulate a full featured reality) becomes convoluted with the lies and deception of individuals running the super computer. I can only describe it as a brutalist's version of the Twilight Zone.

Above: Dr. Fred Stiller of Welt am Draht
Below: Myself emerged in a project designed by my Slovak friend Pavlov.  
 Recurring themes included mirrors, circular camera pans, sexy automobiles, lipstick, and telephones. The whole drama got me thinking about how, in perceived reality, reality is just really a simulacron of our own design. Therefore, nothing in reality is really real, because "reality" is subjective.... Right? In short it was a wonderful way to spend 4 hours on a hot Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Early this morning, my sweetheart and I hit the mean streets of Tucson for some much needed yard sale therapy. Our haul was a huge success, and all at under $10 it was a super fun Saturday activity...
Booty: Bart Simpson doll circa 1990, Billy Joel concert t circa 1982, various geodes, stack of well collected singles including a Sonic Youth ditty I am SUPER excited to play at the next record night my friend Dan and I host at the Red Room

Philip with various treasures found in his tool shed

Continuing my pie and pastry ventures with these UBER jems... Betty Crocker is no joke

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This could have been helpful...

For the past few weeks I have taken some much needed time off in my home town of Twin Falls, ID. It's been a lovely trip, and I couldn't have asked for better weather (especially since it was 114 degrees when I left Arizona.) I spent some time with my dog, I went to the county fair, I had some quality time with my grandma, I learned how to make some killer pie crust; it was nothing short of being a super vacation... However, after an unfortunate series of events, I was stung by a wasp. On my top lip. Multiple times. What are the odds of that happening you may ask? I have no idea. All I know is that when people refer to "bee-stung lips" in beauty magazines, they really have no idea what they are talking about. Because the look is close to that of being psychotic and far, far away from being considered glamorous... I've included in this blog a list for you, readers, to help prevent this tragedy from happening to any of your precious faces... I just wish I could have known some of these rules sooner...
Tips to avoid bee stings:
1. Don't wear perfumes or colognes.
2. Avoid wearing brightly colored clothing, especially floral prints.
3. Be careful what you eat outdoors.
4. Don't walk barefoot.
5. Try not to wear loose-fitting clothes.
6. Stay still.
7. Keep your car windows rolled up.
8. Rinse your garbage and recycling cans and keep lids on them.
9. Don't hang out in the flower garden.
10. Call a professional to have unwanted bees, wasps, or hornets removed.