Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So long Easter Monday

A collage of cheese and grass... to be used potentially in a later project

In a land where men run around and attempt to throw cold water on women, only to have themselves be rewarded with candy (?) I have spent most of Easter week (yes, they celebrate Easter for a week here,) cooped up in my flat. For many reasons, I have not felt the need to partake in this ancient, Slovakian tradition. However, I have taken the opportunity of my self-imposed isolation to re-work some things in my video projects and my book project as well. The time off has proved to incite some new ideas and possible changes that really have me excited. 

On the brain:
More haikus
And audio, it is always audio that gets me in the end...

Gearing up for London in a week and a half, and preparing for a lecture I am giving next Tuesday on Matthew Barney to a group full of Slovaks... As if his work wasnt difficult enough to understand in English.

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