Sunday, January 30, 2011


A curious circle and a lovely view of Tucson greeted me as I reached the apex!
Thread worms on a string
Keeps spiders in her pocket
Collects fly wings in a jar
Scrubs horse flies
And pinches them on a line 

-Bjork/Sugarcubes 1988
It isn't my birthday, but it is a song by the Sugarcubes that I played on repeat as I walked up Tumamok yesterday evening.

Monday, January 24, 2011

the universe... and some other things

 A view from my mat this morning...
Well, I've just finished part one of my Anusara yoga immersion at the Yoga Oasis here in Tucson. As I write this post... that is honestly the most clever thing I can come up with. It's been an intense six days. I came to Yoga Oasis three years ago on the recommendation and encouragement of my dear friend pix pix... Having grown up in a semi-transcendental household (dad spending the past 30 years of his life attempting to achieve enlightenment through TM and various other practises,) yoga was never a four letter word. It wasn't until that first class at the Oasis with pix pix that things began to shift for me. Through Anusara, I began to form a personal relationship to yoga outside the spectrum that I grew up understanding....
I have started the next level of my commitment to this practice by attending this immersion again in March, and for two weeks in May.

Couldn't be happier, sleepier, stronger, and still

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Showing this month in Taiwan!

I am so honored to be included in Cheuh-Lin Tsai's exhibition at the BF Gallery in Taipei City, Taiwan. My videos "whereBEARSeat" and "Veritable Swings" will be on view from January 22st to February 27th. I can feel the doors opening, and I couldn't be happier!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


 Stuffing:Grounding 1 of 2 images of mine to be shown at this upcoming show
The term Tucsoniana refers to objects and ephemera that relate to Tucson's unique history, geography, cultural heritage, values, and problems, both past and present. As photographers, we are trained to watch, listen, interact with, and make sense of the place which we occupy as well as our relation to it. We are interested in the unavoidable connections that can be made between ourselves and this land, whether internal, external, or imaginary. This exhibition represents the manifestation of our unique experiences with this place.
Rombach Gallery
Tucson, AZ
On View Jan. 10th- 21st
Opening Reception Jan.14th
Please Come!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Camel - City of Lights - South Hills
Tucson tomorrow.