Sunday, July 11, 2010


Today marks 25 years of my existence, it’s a big day to be sure…. As you read this, you may be asking yourself, “gee, if I were turing 25 I certainly wouldn’t be spending my day in front of the computer,” and for your internal monologue, you are correct. I wrote this blog yesterday, and with ninja like skills, had it appear in front of your eyes TODAY. I figured this occasion deserved to be made into a list so, I've composed 25 particularly curious and interesting things I have "accomplished" thus far in my life for your reading pleasure.

It goes as follows (in no particular order):
1. Belly danced at the Twin Falls High School talent show my senior year
2. Held a radio show called The People’s Polkadot and Apathy Hour for 3 years
(the best way to spend an hour on a Thursday evening)
3. Was whisked around Paris on a vespa to find stinky cheese and wine
4. Worked at a fish hatchery during the height of spawning season
(in a town that was home to no more than 150 people)
5. Taught myself how to sew at age 12
6. Traveled around Peru on the most dangerous highway in the world
(Mancora beach was totally worth it)
7. Taught science and math to a group of disgruntled, pregnant teens
8. Was a proud owner of a bunny named pancake (r.i.p)
9. Sang in an acapella group called Jive in high school and miraculessly didn’t get beat up for it
10. In a fit of rage chopped off 2 ft of hair
(yes, it was my own and I haven’t been able to grow it back since)
11. Learned every word to every Bjork song ever
12. Acted in multiple musicals until I hit puberty. Some highlight performances were  The Wind in the Willows (I was a bunny) and Noah’s Ark (where I played Ms. Skunk)
13. Created a bike gang with my neighbor Scott where we would terrorize the dirt pile behind his fence
14. Sleptwalked to my neighbors house only to ask for a playdate
15. Broke my arm playing tennis
(because I refused to wear sneakers, I wanted to wear sandals)
16. Was kicked out of Europe
(That’s right kids, I can’t go back for 2 years…)
17.Logged in a rediculious amount of hours on Pokemon and beat the whole national pokadex (rediculious, seriously)
18. Regularly visit my Astrologer Morgan Jeno
19. Karaokeed to Snoop Dog’s Gin and Juice… Epic failure for me, but hiliarity for everyone else
20. Beat the high score of Bust a’ Move at the Medford Cineplex
21. Eleven years vegetarian!
22. Pretended I could read palms at a family reunion and had the whole room fooled.
23. Drove 5 hours to see Drawing Restraint 9 in SF, watched it, and drove back home
24. Had my work shown in Slovakia
25. Met the love of my life and soul mate.

I have yet to add “visiting the pyramids in Egypt,” which is my life’s goal.

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